Agricultural Biotechnology : Plant Organogenesis

 Nama: Ella Nadya Erlinda Sari  

NPM: 22025010004

Plant propagation methods can be performed through tissue culture or in vitro techniques. Plant propagation techniques through in vitro techniques can be performed through organogenesis. Organogenesis is the formation process of plant organs such as buds, roots (Arhvitasari and Waeniyanti, 2019). Organogenesis can be categorized into two, namely direct and indirect. The process of organogenesis is initiated when the embryo is formed successfully through the embryogenesis phase. The purpose of organogenesis is to form a complex and functional whole plant structure needed in plant growth and development through the plant's own meristematic cells. The process of organogenesis involves the role of cell differentiation to form whole plant structures such as roots, articles, leaves and other plant body parts (Sluis and Hake, 2015). 

Roots: Root organogenesis is supported by meristem cells present at the root tip or root growth point. 

Stems: Stem organogenesis is supported by the formation of cambium which will later differentiate into xylem to transport water and minerals and phloem to take organic nutrients.

Leaves: Leaf organogenesis occurs in the growth of leaf buds that develop into epidermal tissue layer, palisade, mesophyll. 

The process of organogenesis is influenced by several important factors including external and internal factors. External factors mean physical environmental factors such as light, temperature and humidity that can affect the development of plant organs. In addition, an important factor that is the main support in the process of plant organogenesis is hormones. Important hormones such as auxin cytokinin have a role in regulating organogenesis. The hormone auxin plays a role in stimulating shoot growth and root formation (Rahmah, et al., 2018). The interaction between these hormones has an effect in regulating cell growth and differentiation during the organogenesis process. 

References :

Arhvitasari, M., & Waeniyanti, W. (2019). Organogenesis of agarwood plants (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk) at various concentrations of Benzyl Amino Purin (BAP)-Indole Butiric Acid (IBA) growth regulators in-vitro. Journal of Warta Rimba E-ISSN, 2579, 6287.

Rahmah, S., Rahayu, T., & Hayati, A. (2018). Study of Organic Material Addition in VW Planting Media on Organogenesis of Dendrobium Orchid in Vitro. Journal of Known Nature, 1(1).

Sluis, A., & Hake, S. (2015). Organogenesis in plants: initiation and elaboration of leaves. Trends in Genetics, 31(6), 300-306.



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