Development of Agricultural Biotechnology
Biotechnology is one form of important achievement in technological progress (Yuwono, 2019). The three basic concepts in biotechnology are application, processing and yield. Application means that biotechnology is the application of previously existing sciences, processing materials biologically using biological agents (bacteria, fungi), producing goods and services. Based on this, it can be interpreted that biotechnology is the application of several sciences by utilizing biological agents to produce goods or services with a specific purpose.
The basic concepts of biotechnology are cell totioptension, DNA material and sciences related to the application of biotechnology, including biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, microbiology, ecology and physiology. The three goals of biotechnology are to better understand the processes of inheritance and gene expression, to provide better treatments for various diseases and genetic disorders and for economic (commercial) purposes.
The science of biotechnology has experienced significant developments throughout its history. In the 1970s genetic engineering opened the door to genetic manipulation. In 1980 cloning and PCR techniques were discovered. Then in 1990 the human genome sequencing project began. Meanwhile, in this century, various advances have been made in gene therapy, gene editing and the development of DNA/RNA-based vaccines.
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Watson JD, et al. (1977). Molecular Biology of the Gene.
Yuwono, T. (2019). Agricultural biotechnology. UGM PRESS.
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